

May 8th, 2025  •  5pm  •  Casa Marina Hotel
691 1st Street North, Jax Beach, FL


Join us for a lively evening of fiesta, food, and fun benefitting the Sulzbacher Beaches Health Center. Your support means homeless and disadvantaged people in our community receive the healthcare they need.


The Manatee $5,000
Provides essential optometry equipment

($4,640 tax deductible)
• Name/logo recognition in marketing and promotional materials including: print, web, social media, event signage and program, night-of-event items
• Fiesta ticket for 12 guests

Sea Turtle $2,500
Allows doctors to see 15 more patients a week

($2,260 tax deductible)
• Name/logo recognition in marketing and promotional materials including: print, web, social media, event signage and program, night-of-event items
• Fiesta ticket for 8 guests

Sand Dollar $1,000
Provides 10 pairs of eyeglasses

($880 tax deductible)
• Name/logo recognition in event program, web page and social media
• Fiesta ticket for 4 guests

Starfish $500
Provides 20 patient labs

($440 tax deductible)
• Name/logo recognition in event program, web page and social media
• Fiesta ticket for 2 guests



Provides medication assisted treatment for opioids

• Fiesta ticket for 5 guests

Provides 2 behavioral therapy visits

• Fiesta ticket for 3 guests

Provides the copay for 5 primary care visits

• Fiesta ticket for 2 guests







Prefer to make your gift through Paypal? 
You will be redirected to Paypal's website to complete your donation. 



A Big Thanks to our Sponsors!